You are viewing the results for Stadium Basketball Cup 2015. View the current results for Stadium Basketball Cup 2021 here.

Boys 03

Group A

    Team # W D L +/-   P  
The teams are ordered by:
  1. Points
  2. Points (head-to-head)
  3. Goal difference (head-to-head)
  4. Goal difference
  5. Scored goals
  6. By lottery
  TuNMKY 1 3 3 0 0 155 - 64 (91) 9
2. Værløse BBK 3 2 0 1 123 - 88 (35) 6
3. Dolphins Svart 3 1 0 2 110 - 76 (34) 3
4. BK Järva Gul 3 0 0 3 30 - 190 (-160) 0
W = Won, D = Draw, L = Lost,
# = Games Played, +/- = Goals, P = Points

The schedule has not been published yet

Scandic Norrköping Stadium Stadium Arena Sockerbagarna Hertz Loranga Stadium Sports Camp Larm Assistans Norrköping Dolphins Ungdom Exiso Städ-Facility